Monday, February 20, 2012

Don’t forget anything!!!!

When you go surfing there are a couple of things that you should remember to bring with you. You will feel more comfortable and your day will be much better!!!
These are the things that I carry with me everytime:
- a couple of towels: one to dry yourself when you get out of the ocean and the other, you never know. Your friends can forget their towels or you may use them to carry more than 1 surfboard in the car. You can put the towel between the surfboard, so they will not hit eachother while you are driving
-  a big big bag (better if waterproof) where you can put your wet suite after you take it off and all your wet stuff. You don’t want to mess up your car!!!
- a bottle of water: if you are surfing in a spot without a shower, you can use it to rinse off or just to clean your feet from the sand
- a hat: during the winter it is best to wear a hat after surfing so that you won’t be cold. Your mom will definitly tell you the same!!!!!
- water to drink: before and after surfing, remember to drink a lot of water. Remember, surfing dehydrates your body.
- sun protecion: you don’t want become old before the time!!!!
So now that you know what you have to bring… let’s surf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Afraid of the ocean????

Many many people (also many of my friends) are afraid of the ocean. It can be really difficult to get into the water and have the focus you need to learn how to surf if you are worried about what is around you and not focused on learning. The fear of the ocean can be from many things, such as big waves, deep dark water, sharks and seaweed monsters. :)
When I started surfing I was afraid of the big waves, it’s difficult if you are not used to being in the ocean. I grew up in the mountains and am not comfortable with the big waves. When I first started I stayed near the shore because you do not need big waves when you are learning. Playing with the foam and learning how to pop up in the broken waves is really fun.  Now that I am getting better I can go out farther from the shore into the big waves. Of course I am still afraid of the wall of water but not like before. I can tell you that if you are afraid of the ocean and you try with passion you can really change your way to enjoy the ocean. In addition to learning this way, I learned to have more respect for the ocean and its power.  Peace.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Now that you know what you need.... let s go in the water!!!!!!!!!!!